Incest Complex

Chapter 97 - Germany

Cologne one of largest city in Germany\'s most populous fedral state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the fourth most populous city in Germany after Berlin and other two. Inside of one of oldest Church the Cologne Cathedral a Catholic Church, A figure was kneeling on the ground as they place their hand together facing the altar.

Taking a closer look, The figure is beautiful blonde woman. Her beauty can compare to the women in Chikushodo. If Shido saw her praying to god he might easily be deceived by her.

As she kneeled her expression was smiling and it\'s a bit creepy. The content of her prayer, let\'s leave that alone it\'s better left unknown.

A few moments later. Footsteps reverberated across the cathedral. It\'s a woman wearing a men\'s black suit she walk towards the woman who was kneeling, then she stops behind the woman and saying.

"Ellen Zern it\'s time." Her voice sounds cold as she look down at the beautiful woman who apparently the famous professor in the World.

"Eeeh, It\'s already that time... Noo I still want to explore Germany. I want to look at the country where the infamous Adolf Hitler caused a massive genocide... Doesn\'t that make you feel excited, corpse littered on the ground, marking the earth bloody red and the fun of cutting off the life... Aaahn amazing." The woman, No Ellen Zern hug her body as she squirm in delight. Her face became intoxicated just by thinking those thoughts.

The woman behind Ellen Zern frowned her brows as she clenched her teeth. For them citizen of Germany the name Adolf Hitler is a very taboo topic. Just mentioning Hitler\'s name can cause capital offense. Yet this woman in front of her is happily mentioning that madman.

The woman wanted to shoot this crazy mad scientist in the head. However stop herself, She calmed her mind as she gripped her hand into fist firmly. She let out a professional smile.

"Ellen Zern, it\'s time to go. The president of Germany awaits your arrival." The woman coldly said. She considered the act of Ellen Zern as rude and selfish, running away from the convoy for days.

"Okay Okay, I will go." With reluctant expression Ellen Zern said. She stood up, patting her knees."Ah, kneeling is really painful, that\'s why I hate churches... What\'s the point of kneeling at the so called gods who don\'t even existed in the first place."

That remarks made the expression of the woman turned worse. She gloomily looked at Ellen Zern, If only look could kill. The woman endured her swirling emotions within her. She coldly watch Ellen Zern walking towards the Exit. She then spat inside her mind \'Is this the famous professor? Isn\'t she just a mad woman... Will she become the next Adolf Hitler? according to tge intel, Ellen Shit! Likes that fucking Killer. If it comes to that I won\'t hesitate to blow up her brains!\' The woman gritted her teeth.

Blood trickled from her lips and her hand. She turned towards the Altar, She prayed inside her mind. Then seconds later she followed Ellen Zern outside who complained.

"Why are you so slooow... Aren\'t you in hurry?" Ellen Zern said with adorable look. But to the women around they felt disgusted by this woman.

"Aiya, Don\'t look at me like that. I\'m hurt." Ellen zern played a comically that erked as tsk from the women. Ellen Zern rolled her eyes seeing their reaction. She then muttered under her breathe but towards these professional women her voice was loud and clear. \'Damn germans.\'

The impulse of killing this hateful woman greatly heightened. However their job is to escort Ellen Zern and make her safe. If there is no such orders from higher ups, You bet this people will do something to Ellen Zern.

The escorts move towards the capital city of Germany, Berlin. Arriving at the Bellevue Palace. Ellen Zern was enjoying the view outside as they passed so many gothic style buildings. She was so talkative eve though no one is answering her damn questions.

"Hey hey look at that isn\'t that amazing. Ah there too, Woo Germany is amazing, I want to live here... Oooh, that\'s why Hitler like this place because it\'s too beautiful..." Ellen Zern voice is too noisy but the people accompanying her didn\'t even flinched. They ignore the noisy baboon next to them.

"Hey hey we arrive at the Bellevue Palace. I heard that living in there is amazing. How wonderful it could be....Hmm how about I will make it mine but I bet there would be protest." The first part of her sentence is loud but the latter part is said under her breathe. However, The women inside are trained professionals so they could hear her easily.

Ultimately, despite the rage and anger inside their minds. There is nothing they could do but listened to Ellen Zern\'s bullshits. A scowl could be seen in their expression as they look Ellen Zern.

The women thought \'If only looks could kill.\' While gnashing their jaws.

If Shido saw their dedication to their country and their tolerance, he would greatly admire these girls.

The woman who called Ellen Zern earlier is thinking. \'I didn\'t know that this famous professor has ill-mannered behaviour. Vulgar and rude, what a piece of shit is she.\'

The escorts stops in front of the Palace. Someone opened the door outside and gestured Ellen Zern to get out. The intel of Ellen Zern behavious has already been known to the people of Bellevue Palace. So despite a bit vague they treated this Ellen Zern rudely. After all, who would respect her who blantantly idolized the person wgo caused genocide.

"What a rude person." Ellen scowled. However her remark earned a few glare.

The woman thinks the same as her fellow members \'look whose talking.\'

As they continued to walk. It\'s clear as day though they didn\'t made it so obvious even a 3 years old child woul know that Ellen Zern earned the ire of the people in here.

Some even snickered when they passed by Ellen Zern. Maids would do an a bow but their expression is scowling at Ellen. Some politicians would greet Ellen in fair manner, However a politicians face could not be discovered easily. Despite smiling happily on the outside, No one knows what they are thinking deep inside.

As for Ellen Zern she would complain when these people treated her unfairly. She would harrumphed like a child. She then exclaimed that made the women escorting her frowning their brows.

"Hmph! Let\'s see, I will tell your president how you treated me..."

But the women only stayed silent howver inside their mind. \'Look at this woman, so audacious. Do you think the president will listen to you."


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