Incest Complex

Chapter 25 - Introducing

Lunch soon came...

Mama and I heads to the Dining hall, She said everyone is waiting there. Apparently, Mama and My SIsters actually live in the palace. I don\'t really understand how they manage to separate the others. So the only time all the members of the family could gather together is when there was an occassion or everynight for dinner

So the \'everyone\' she meant was all the members of the family to come, except for the elders who exculded themselves on top of the mountain. Speaking of Elders...Does that mean all of them are loli baba? Ugh, So my grandma is a loli baba. This situation is getting any weirder, Also it\'s just a guess but, their personality is a bit worrying.

While I was talking with my Mama, It seems when she get serious she change into adult mode or should I say Empress mode, Her immaturity would also disappear. Her childish nature would appear when she is relax or stressed. I find small hints about the curse when talking to her.

The curse of chikushodo familly only works on females. The cause of the curse was the first ancestress of the family, mama said, The Ancestress was tempted by a witch or something. It said that the witch used our Ancestress to do crazy things in exchange for immortality and eternal youth. The Ancestress was excited when she heard that and agreed immediately, The Ancestress got impulsive and careless. Because, she did not ask for the side-effect. After finsishing the task, The Ancestress got what she wanted, Eternal youth and immortality.

However, The price need to be payed. Mama did not know what the other curse but the curse was, The eternal youth thing would affect the personality and mind of the curse bearer, Second the although, It can be considered as an immortality, The descendants of the ancestress live longer than ordinary humans it only applies to the females but the price was memories. The longer you live the more memories will be fed to the curse. Third, This one is also considered as blessings, It\'s magic....yup, it\'s magic but this magic don\'t use mana or energy just like me, it uses blood and spirit.

That\'s only three curses that has been found for now.

I wonder if I can alleviate the curse with my power. I want to try it but my understanding of curing curses is less. I mean I can cast a light magic to destroy the curse but the problem is, after it got destroyed, what would happen to the curse-bearer? So I need to be careful.

Speaking of my power, I think I got a little hint. to stregnthen my power and increase the capacity of my energy, It seems I need to follow my heart desire and supressing my inner beast. Following my heart desire is easy because I know what my hear really want, it was to build a harem, Having an intimate relationship with my blood-related family for short my Incest complex. As for the last would be hard to do it in the past but looking at the little woman holding my hand dragging me through the hallway, it seems I can fulfill it in this life.

While thinking such things, My blood boiled and my crystal heart thump faster. I feel heat on my lower body. No no, stop thinking such thoughts. It\'s too soon. Also I need to to supress the beast to power up my body, since it benfited me the most. So I can do it later. yeah later. Squeezing the little soft hand.

While thinking of inappropriate thoughts we\'ve arrive at the dining hall.

Opening the door. We get inside and see many ladies already sitting next to the low leg table with zabuton used for sitting. There 6 women inside the hall including my mama, I saw Sis Sona and little Shina sat next to each other. As for the other three, I don\'t know who they are. Though, I guess they are my sisters and another niece.

"Everyone is here, Sorry for making you all wait. come Let\'s sit shii-chan." Mama pull me towards the end of the long low table. It\'s a sit reserved for her. Her zabuton is pink and has flowers as designs, unlike the other plain blue zabutons she have her personal zabuton. Mama pulled me down to sit next to her.

"It\'s okay mother, We knew that you wanted to talk with Shido after all." Sis Sona said. She sat on the side next to us.

"It\'s fine Shizue-mama, We knew you care about uncle." This time it was Shina. Wait, Shizue-mama?

"Mother, You should spend time with Shido but don\'t hug him all day okay. After all We also wanted to talk to him" A dark blue hair tied in ponytail woman, said with teasing tone. She seems playful

"Mooo, Kira-chan don\'t tease Mama okay, You always tease mama. I will punish you, you know." Mama look at Kira with a pouty face. It seems Kira always tease mama. Heh, Mama\'s pouty face is cute. I chuckled a little.

"Shii-chan, Why are you laughing. Do you want to tease mama too." Mama look at me with teary eyes. My bad.

"No mama, Seeing how lively our family made me happy." \'Although It\'s a bit tempting to also tease you\' I added on my mind.

Mama look at me with bright smile. She nodded her head "Mmh, Everyone is also happy you woke up."

Sis Sona, Shina, Kira an the other two who still I don\'t know looked at us with smile and nodded. Having a family is great.

"Ahem. Since Shido had amnesia. I bet he does not know all of us in here. So let\'s all introduce ourselves."Sis Sona suddenly declared. She continued."I will go first. I am Chikushodo Sona, The first daughter of Chikushodo Shizue, I\'m also helping Mother with her empress work. I mostly manage the family. As for my age I\'m already 4* yrs old, but I\'m still healthy and able."She looked at me with a subtle meanig in her eyes. I know what she meant the last part, pervert sister.

The next one is Shina. "My name is, Chikushodo Shina, I am 16 years old. I love to read books and sometimes help my mom. I\'m still young and very healthy." Damn, Shina you pervert little girl. I will punish the two of you later.

"So it\'s my turn, Shishi. Yo, The name is Chikushodo Kira, 33 years old, the 3rd daughter. I love sports and excercising my body the most. My body is strong and flexible, Shido if you want to make your body strong then let me know. I can help you train and make you manly." So she is an athlete that\'s why she look uncomfortable with her kimono. High-spirit and a sports fanatic.

Next are the remaining two, they are so quite. Just like Aunt Fuuka.

"Second daughter of Chikushodo Shizue, Chikushodo Shiyuki. Living in the World for 39 years.... Mostly spends my day on the garden watching the beautiful nature grows. Neither having a great talent like Elder Sister or having a strong body like My little sister, Just a woman who loves peace and nature." She introduce herself with grace. Her bearing looks refined and fresh. Even though she said she is not gifted like those two, her gracefulness is unrivaled.

She is a beauty. Just like your typical Chikushodo ladies she does not have signs of aging. Her movements looks refined. She even look more graceful with her kimono. As for her figure, She\'s not fat or skinny either, She is fine and perfect.

Dark violet hair styled in bun, pierce by a green hair pin. The typical black iris of chikushodo family. Having a thin rounded dark violet eyebrows. Pointy sharp perfect nose. Also having a thin red lips.

The last girl is young."Chikushdo Shizumi, 16 years old. No hobby, I love lazing around." Shiyuki frown her brows, she was slightly troubled.

"Shizumi."Shiyuki mumbled, she clearly wanted to say something.

Shizumi seems unruly and problematic. It\'s clear that this girl is troublesome. She have a slight make up and accessories. A gyaru? Her skin is tanned. yup, A gyaru.

"She is Shiyuki\'s daughter." Sis Sona whispered.

It seems the family is not perfect in condition. After Introducing themselves I think it\'s time to eat. The door opened and maids carrying a tray of foods.

It smell so delicious and appetizing.

Everyone says "Itadakimasu!"

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