Magical Academy: Rise of the Supreme Magic Craftsman

Chapter 374 - Beam

Julian believed that the spaceships were indeed scary and powerful… However, he felt that they would only have such strength as long as they are in outer space. 

Now that they are here on the planet, he\'s not expecting them to perform really well… He realized this after being informed about the aliens\' actions when they descended somewhere at the State of Kazan.

He was informed that after they landed on a specific spot, they remained in that position and let the smaller types of machinery conduct the battle for them…

"They\'re unable to easily move… It means that they\'re just larger target practice."

"Perhaps the gravity of our planet disrupts their technology…"

"I heard that Mana is unique to our planet… It seems that they aren\'t used to it…"

"Whatever it is… As long as their spaceship will remain unmoving, then it will be our win."

This is just a part of the discussion that occurred during the meetings of the Tower Controllers. They do acknowledge the power of the Empire but they are also confident with their Mage Towers… 

After all, although other countries have something that they can call Mage Towers, their country has the original version of it, and it\'s something that can\'t be easily replicated unless they also have its blueprint.

Time passed as the bombardment of the twelve nearby Mage Towers was completed…

"Let\'s see what\'s the result..." Julian smirked as he watched the spaceship got covered with various spells…

Smokes and dust covered the area where the spaceship landed.

Most of the Mana Spell they used weren\'t destructive but spells that are meant to attack the internal integrity of the vessel and the people within it…

Of course, since they also have a copy of Traceless Oscillation that Wallace created, they used it as well to try and destroy the armors and the shields of the spacecraft.

On the other hand, the reason why there are twelve Towers near this location is that the place is quite important for them… There are several ore mines in this area that must be protected. The most important one is the Memory Crystal Mine that is not too far from where the aliens landed.

"Eight Pulse Wind"

A Grade 3 Mana Spell was used to clear out the dust and smokes covering the whole site…

However, as soon as they did this, the spaceship\'s particle cannon fired at the nearest Mage Tower!


The Tower\'s Mana Shield managed to stop the alien\'s powerful attack!

The Tower Controllers who had seen this immediately went happy! They can do this!

"Don\'t be too happy this early! That\'s just a single shot… Coleen! How\'s the damage?"

Julian asked. 

The Tower Controller named Colleen was silent for a moment before answering…

"Sir Julian… It\'s terrible… The Mana Shield consumed 50% of our Mana Reserves. Another shot of that would destroy the shield and my Tower would be vulnerable…"

"Tsk… Minimize the energy consumption of your Tower… Remove other functions aside from your shield. If you can control the shield to concentrate only on the area facing the spaceship, then it\'s better."

"Yes, I will do that, Sir Julian."

"Very well… For the others, try to do the same if you\'re in trouble…"

"Yes, Sir!"

The link between the Tower using its core is a very useful function in this kind of battle. 

Perhaps the Tower was actually made thinking that it would be in such a situation. 


A different Mage Tower was hit by the spaceship\'s canon! Luckily, everyone was already prepared and concentrated their Mana Shield in front of the Tower…

However, it is disastrous… The surrounding area of the Tower was destroyed or burned by that huge beam of light.

"Sir Julian… I managed to defend against it and it took only 33% of my Mana Reserves… Tsk… This is a problem, we have to at least destroy their cannons."

"You\'re right…"

Julian, then looked at the spaceship… It looks like it hadn\'t received any Mana Spells from them at all!

Though there are remnants of elemental spells on its surface, it doesn\'t seem to do anything on the spaceship at all.

"It shouldn\'t be able to fire that powerful beam continuously… Those two shots might be its best shots… Even if it can fire two or three more times consecutively, it doesn\'t matter… We\'ll use our Main Weapons… It doesn\'t matter whether it damages the tower, we\'ll have to destroy it."

Julian encouraged his people as they continued with their plans. Aside from their bombardment of Elemental Spells, they still have another trump card that they can use in this situation…

It is their Grade 5 Mana Spell called Territorial Order

Once the spell was used, any selected target within the range of the Mage Tower would experience a controlled Mana Calamity!

If only a single Mage Tower can attack the spaceship, perhaps it wouldn\'t affect them that much with their powerful force field. However, there are twelve of them working together!

Even if the spaceship is powerful, it shouldn\'t be capable of defending against multiple controlled calamities!

If it does manage to defend even at this, then Julian felt that there would be no hope for their country…

\'No, it should be effective. Although we haven\'t tried cooperating like this on a single target yet… The effect should be multiplied by several times if we work together…\'

Julian knows the risk for this type of operation. After all, they haven\'t tried doing this before… It\'s not like they can easily find such suitable targets to test their Mage Towers.

They were also not being attacked by terrorists so their Towers really have no other purposes aside from protecting the surrounding people against the Mana Beasts especially to those mutated ones.

Julian looked at the Black Sovereign of the spaceship…

"I will destroy you…"

The Royal Court Magician muttered as he clenched his fist. He wanted to provide some help to the Towers but he\'s far away from the place the enemy descended…

If he moved now to take control of the nearby Tower, he would lose the Link while he\'s traveling and he wouldn\'t be able to give orders to the controllers and monitor the situation…

In the end, he can only trust the magicians assigned to the Towers and the army that should be heading to the place right now…


[ The Council lead by Charles decided to send Blaze carrying the Lucent Knights to help Montego. ] 

Avalon reported to Wallace. 

"I see… It\'s a good call… The Empire will just probably watch the performance of the Black Sovereign."

Wallace muttered after thinking about it for while… He just learned from Ace about the abnormal actions of the Black Sovereign before it decided to descend…

There was a light that covered the whole spaceship that lasted for a few seconds… It is suspected that it was due to the Cube\'s power being used.

In truth, the young man truly wanted to go and destroy that spaceship to remove another possible Pathfinder user.

However, the matter regarding the Seiji\'s alliance with Empire is also a pressing matter…

If they didn\'t take an action, the Seiji would surely start providing resources and information to the Empire to start its world conquest. 

If he allowed this to happen, the Empire will learn a lot of high-level information which can be very crucial to conquer many countries including Zairus.

"I\'ll deal with them at the same time then…"

As soon as he said this, the floating island they\'re at suddenly moved forward.

The Terror Mages noticed the movement of the land and looked in the direction they\'re in. They are heading right now to Kazan!

They silently celebrated as Wallace finally decided to move!

The floating island may be slow but once it arrived at its destination, it would certainly become Wallace\'s trump card to destroy the spaceships…

Of course, he wouldn\'t mind including the army of Seiji\'s Alliance in the process…

[ ETA: 1 hour and 10 minutes ] 

Avalon notified… 

As Wallace was about to go outside and inform the Terror Mages of his plan, he was informed that the Zairus\' Council is looking for him.

The young man saw Yumi\'s face after accepting the communication link…

"Wallace, we don\'t want to spread our forces too much so we only sent a small unit of Lucent Force to help Montego… Avalon reported that the Mage Towers are defending really well…  Do you think that your spaceship has similar integrity with the Mage Tower?"

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" Wallace asked.

"Aaron sent their strongest Steel Knight… It is inside Blaze that is heading to Montego… They seem to be planning to fight the lone spaceship…"

Yumi reported.

"I see… I\'m unsure about the power of the Mage Tower since I haven\'t experienced them yet… However, based on what I heard, the Tower has its advantage as long as it has supplies of mana on them. We\'ll see once Blaze truly encountered them…"

"I understand… Do you think we should send another unit to deal with the aliens there in Kazan?"

"No… I\'m fine… Let me deal with them…"

Wallace replied. 

Yumi nodded at this as she didn\'t offer to help anymore and ended the conversation.

The time then quickly passed and their Floating Island is finally within the vicinity of the Conqueror Starship.

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