The Human Giant

Chapter 236 236: Chaotic Dream

Figuring that he should get some rest, Yoze stopped himself from performing the Death Finger one more time. Relaxing his body from the tense state that the martial art technique required.

"Really? I\'m going to get some sleep before anything else happens tonight." Seeing that he had convinced Yoze, Leah felt excited and quickly walked over to his makeshift bed made of leaves, grass, and branches from various plants.

Once he reached his bed, Leah lay down and closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep as quickly as possible to get a few hours of sleep. Even though Leah had only been carried around by Yoze for the last few days, his body simply wasn\'t as strong as Yoze\'s.

Even as an animal who had been consuming demon meat daily, he couldn\'t keep up with a monster like Yoze. However, it didn\'t stop him from being much stronger than other goats, and as his presence was mixed with the spiritual energy of several demons, he didn\'t have to worry about being killed by another medium-sized animal like himself.

Paired with a large amount of fatigue accumulated throughout the trip and his sense of safety, Leah easily lowered his guard rather quickly compared to what one would expect from someone as fearful and cautious as Leah. This bit of confidence was enough for Leah\'s mind to relax and gently fall asleep as the smooth sound of a crackling fire and the smell of smoke filled his nose.


Leah swiftly snapped his eyes open as he sensed that something was wrong. When he opened his eyes, he saw a blazing green fire under a giant pot cooking some kind of strange liquid.

The thick bubbles from the mucky and muddy liquid released the black smoke that Leah had smelled in his dreams. Surrounding the giant pot were several men and women dressed head to toe in animals\' bones and dressed like Sharman from fairy tales.

Their skin was as black as night, and the white powder stuck to them made thick lines all over their bodies. Blood constantly ran down their fingers, signaling that whatever they were clutching in their hands was recently alive.

"Mmmm, Ahhhhh, ohhhh, mmmm"

As the men and women moved around the giant pot and crackling fire, they sang a song that came straight from a fairy tale as their bodies twisted into shapes that should have been impossible for humans to perform. With every stomp they did on the ground, Leah could feel the earth tremble as if quivering from the demonic ritual these strange witches were performing.

Their constant dance and chants around the boiling pot of strange liquid were often followed by all six of the strange witches tossing animal limbs, herbs, and human skulls into the giant pot, feeding the mucky liquid that was slowly turning into black sludge.

A chill crawled down Leah\'s spine as he could only imagine the main ingredient these witches planned to use for their spell. Knowing that he had to get out of there before they realized he was awake, he tried to move his legs but found that a rope tied them up.

"Shit, Yoze?"

Unable to move and escape on his own, Leah turned his hope to the only person he knew could help him escape from the terrifying fate that was about to befall him. Not wanting to alert any of the strange witches, Leah secretly looked around only to feel his heart drop as he couldn\'t find Yoze anywhere.

Even his bandages and the destroyed trees that he had left during his training were all gone. Even as he strained his eyes to look around for any signs of Yoze, he found that it was like everything related to Yoze had disappeared.

What made his hope that he could survive this sudden encounter fall was that he noticed that none of the trees and plants were releasing their signature purple glow even though it was night. Instead, they released a beautiful light green which seemed to have been used as the fuel for the crackling fire under the giant pot.

"Was I kidnapped!?"

Leah\'s mind raced as he tried to devise ways to escape this strange predicament he found himself in. In a scenario where he was tied up and would become a soup for some strange witches that had kidnapped him, he needed to think calmly and find a way to get rid of the rope.

"There aren\'t many good options, but I need to take a risk when I\'m on my own." Leah\'s eyes glinted with colorful sparkles as he took a deep breath.

"Who are you to dare touch my godly body while I\'m asleep!?" Leah said out loud with confidence.

"Mmmmm, Ohhh, Ahhhhh, Mmmmm"

Strangely even though Leah had finally gathered the courage to show his speaking ability to strangers for the first time in a long time, he noticed that none of the strange witches bothered to even look at him. They simply continued to throw ingredients into the giant pot that was near twice the size of the human body and could easily fit the entire body of a goat.

"I said, halt this ceremony now!" Leah said angrily.

"Mmmmm, Ohhh, Ahhhhh, Mmmmm"

Once again, the strange witches ignored Leah\'s call and simply continued to perform their ritual. Even though Leah felt his blood boiling in anger from being ignored and even his attempt to act like a godly deity to scare them, he knew that something was really wrong.

As time passed, he felt incredibly dizzy, and the world around him began to spin. The shadows of the witches became even more twisted and demonic as they transformed into the shapes of various demons and animals. 

The most popular transformation was a five-headed goat with a thick set of horns and eight goat legs. When he looked up at the strange witches, he saw that their bodies had also twisted and transformed into strange creatures that would have been enough to terrify an entire town of people enough to never leave their houses.

"Prince Leah, as the one with the spirit of the Mighty Demon Goat, you are the perfect instrument to test out our transformation spell. If successful, we might be able to gain a powerful demon on our side and kill those immortals."

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